Welcome to my website :)

You found my homepage! My name is Aspen, I'm a designer human being who lives in Glasgow, Scotland. I like old tech and making silly websites.
My site is a constant WIP (just like me) so it'll be changing and breaking a lot as I experiment with things and get bored with what I already have. If you spot any huge bugs anywhere that I've clearly missed, drop me a line and I'll try and fix it!

This is a space to showcase my interests and hobbies, as well as any silly little side projects I've been working on. Unfortunately, I'm more ADHD than human at this point, so that means that I have a lot of ongoing projects and hobbies that I want to write up pages about, and I need to wait for each hyperfixation to consume me before I can do that. In the mean time, please click around and explore, and maybe sign my guestbook on your way out. :o)

If you find yourself overwhelmed by all the wiggling gifs or bright backgrounds, there should be a little control panel for you to pause motion and invert the colours. It's a little bit of a janky setup, but it should work! My site won't track you or save any personal information about you, but if you have it enabled in your browser settings then your preference should be saved locally for the next time you visit.


The webmaster:

  • Name: Aspen
  • Pronouns: They/Them
  • Age: Thirty-Something
  • Location: Currently under thousands of weighted blankets until winter is over (also, Glasgow, SCT)

The website:

Why does this website exist? Why am I here? Why are any of us here??

long story short

I've always loved making websites, and I've never been good at it. I studied animation at university with the intention of focusing on pursuing a career in Film & TV, but I only ever animate silly little gifs these days, and a personal site with no direction is probably the best place for that sort of thing. Also, I have so much adhd, my dudes. I don't want to focus on anything anymore. So, this place is for me to be as unfocused as possible in the longterm while allowing me to be hyperfocused in the short term. I don't expect there will be a ton of consistency across the different parts of it. Whatever mood takes me is what I'll work on next.

I was obsessed with making Geocities websites as a kid, but never got past learning very basic HTML and only ever used the built in site builder with some light tweaks. Neopets was the only other experience I had playing with HTML and CSS, so it seems fitting that now, decades later, I'm here on Neocities!

  • Dipper
  • Internet Cats
  • Gameboy
  • PKMN
  • DGMN
  • TMGC
  • VHS
  • Spyro
  • Rugrats
  • Neopets
  • Animal Crossing
  • E-Ink
  • Collections

Coming soon :)


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